Truth Matters.

Infidelity/General Testing
• Domestic Issues
• Cheating/Infidelity
• Marital Disputes
• Drug & Alcohol Abuse
• Family Issues/Theft
• Nanny/Housekeeper
• Family Law
• Teen Issues
Individuals, Families, Therapists and Employers use polygraph examinations to verify statements and find out the truth on a variety of issues including infidelity, drug use, addictions, sex offenses, employee theft, criminal activities, abuse and all other matters.

Law Enforcement/
Attorney Services
• Attorney Client/Witness
• Criminal
• Civil
• Theft/Robbery
• Embezzlement
• Sexual Crimes/Abuse
• Accidents
• Harassment
Polygraph is used extensively by attorneys who wish to provide the best possible defense for their clients. Most attorneys will submit their own clients to the exam, while others will use the polygraph to verify statements made by witnesses and other parties to litigation.

Employee/Pre Employment
• Employee Theft
• Insurance Claims
• Employee Background
• Pre Employment
• Janitorial
• Employee Issues
Local Police, U.S. Military Branches and Government Agencies such as the FBI, CIA, NSA and Department of Defense all use polygraph examinations for applicant screenings, criminal investigations and matters of national security.
“Al Trotsky has been in law enforcement for 31 years. Since 2002, Al Trotsky has worked with several police departments with his advanced use of polygraph. He is an expert in his field and professional in the industry dealing with criminal investigation, field training, and supervising. He has conducted thousands of successful examinations for city, county, and federal law enforcement agencies, private industry, attorneys and private individuals.”